Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Behind Closed Doors

It was two weeks ago today that I had the carpets cleaned, professionally cleaned mind you. Well, you never know what goes on behind the closed doors of a child's bedroom. My darling Emily must have been having fun because look what I found on the carpet in her bedroom today........ Anyone want to take a guess? (hint -some of it hardened, and there are actually two ingredients to this concoction.) I don't know how to post polls yet, so just take a guess in your comments, and I'll post the answer in a few days!


Rachel Holloway said...

That is so tough. I would say some kind of cleaning product--well, maybe not. Let's see...her bedroom....baby powder? Or maybe sugar and some kind of liquid....

Gosh, I don't even know!!! Can't wait to find out though!

Stephanie said...

I was thinking powdered sugar maybe. I'm with Rachel - can't wait to find out!

Jared said...

I'd say sugar and salt. Or laundry detergent and salt/sugar.

McD Fam said...

It looks like dishwasher/laundry detergent to me, but if it's her bedroom...I'd say bath salts.
What could it be....?

Sarah said...

I have NO idea but I'm really curious. Let us know soon because it's really got me wondering.

Michelle said...

Laundry detergent or powdered dish detergent gets hard after it gets wet. Maybe part one of those and part baby powder?

Michelle said...

Buy the way, to do a poll... click on the customize tab at the top of the main blog page. That should bring you to a layout tab. On one side is a big block labeled blog post, on the other side of the screen are little blocks. One should say "add a page element". Click on it. Over on the left side, at the top, is a little option labeled "poll". Click on that and it will give you options like what question, answer options, how long you want it to run. Just be sure and save your changes. Good luck!

Nicia said...

Joe thinks it is sugar and flour. I don't know why Emily would have flour and sugar in her room...unless she wanted to like feed her My Little Pony's or something. I don't have a clue, so I'm not even going to try! I'm really tempted to call you right now and inturrupting all of your organizing and stuff cause I'm going crazy trying to figure out what it could be!

Abby and Greg Christiansen said...

Powdered sugar and laundry detergent???? No clue, can't wait to find out.