Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Joy in the Journey

I just thought I'd share a portion of Caitlin's most recent letter. It was so well put and needed by so many of us right now.

"I´ve been reflecting lately about trials. We had a lesson yesterday in church that was great about Joseph Smith and the trials he had to endure. There´s something ironic about this life on earth…we know we´re here to be tested, but we also know from the scriptures that we´re here to have joy. It seems ironic doesn´t it? We don´t usually think of being tested as something joyful, and many times it´s not. But it can be. We can ¨find joy in the journey¨. Or as Elder Worthlin said ¨come what may and love it¨.

"I noticed that in the last General Conference last weekend, a lot of the speakers talked about trials…overcoming them, finding the good in them, having hope, thanking the Lord for these experiences we have that help us learn. I thought it was interesting that it was such a common topic, but I think it's something we can all improve on. "

(here's my favorite part) "Many times we have trials not because of something we´ve done to ¨deserve¨them, but because of the actions of another person. None of us likes trials. We don´t ask for them. But inevitably they do come, and when they do we can focus on finding happiness and blessings in the midst of them. The difference is not what trial we have, it´s how we choose to encounter it. If we give up in the midst of it- having feelings of self pity and defeat, or if we choose to do what Joseph Smith and so many other prophets and examples in the scriptures have done—get up and go forward with faith."

"I´m thankful for this lesson I learned yesterday. I love the church and the things I´m able to learn every day! Eternal progression!!" Hermana Caitlin Ritter
Thank you, Caitlin, for your words of wisdom. I continue to learn so much from my children!


Nicia said...

I love all the things I learn from her as well! I miss her tons, and can't wait to have her home!!!

Rachel Holloway said...

That is so true...thanks for sharing that today. :) needed it...

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have less than 5 mos until you get to have her back home again! It's great to hear about how she's doing down there :)