Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Emily!

It hardly seems possible that our little Emily has reached the ripe old age of 6 years. She's been a joy to our family in so many ways. We couldn't begin to imagine our lives without her, truly our little blessing from heaven.
EMILY: Excellent reader, Mind of her own, Intelligent, Loving, 6 Years old
ANN: Animal lover, "Nice notes" writer, Night Owl
WHITTLE: Wants a horse, Happy, Ice cream lover, Talented singer
T.V. watcher, Loveable, Ever ready to play with and be a friend.

I liked what Rachel did for Jenna's birthday, posting several pictures in chronological order, but something's not working right with my "add image" button, so I'll have to try posting pictures another time, but for now, maybe a video will do, one that shows the happy, full of life personality that Emily is developing.

Happy Birthday, Emily. Your Dad & I love you "infinity much!"

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Born Performer

Today was Emily's last day of school. We attended her Spring Kindergarten program, which was so cute, summarizing many of the things they had learned throughout the year. Each child had a small part to say, and many of the children had to have help with their parts. We had worked with Emily to help her memorize her part, and Dave helped her practice saying it like a poet would recite it. The little boy before Emily said a couple of sentences about the Statue of Liberty. Then it was Emily's turn, so here's the video of our little performer....... (turn up the volume)

I love the expression shown in reciting this poem. Since she was very small, Emily has been a natural when it comes to performing in front of people. You did a great job today, Emily. We love you!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Behind Closed Doors

It was two weeks ago today that I had the carpets cleaned, professionally cleaned mind you. Well, you never know what goes on behind the closed doors of a child's bedroom. My darling Emily must have been having fun because look what I found on the carpet in her bedroom today........ Anyone want to take a guess? (hint -some of it hardened, and there are actually two ingredients to this concoction.) I don't know how to post polls yet, so just take a guess in your comments, and I'll post the answer in a few days!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Our Seminary Graduates

We're lucky to have 2 seminary graduates in our family this year - Andrew graduated last week:

and Jordan graduated tonight: (sorry about the lighting on these pictures)

We're really proud of both of them. Way to go guys!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Getting in Shape

A couple reasons for me to be happy: First, I've been working out for several months now, to an old Jane Fonda aerobics video from the early 90's. Now, for the past couple of weeks, Dave has been walking/jogging with me in the park just behind our house. I am so pleased! This is a real sacrifice for him since plain exercising isn't really his thing, which makes it mean all the more to me! I still try to do my aerobics 3-4 times a week, but it's been so nice to walk with Dave in the mornings too. Here are a couple views of our park:

Another reason to be happy - for my birthday, I got dumbbells and ankle weights, which I'm so excited about! (Thanks to my sweetie, Dave). The aerobics tape alone just wasn't cutting it. I've been doing the aerobic workout with the weights and can really feel it when I'm done. I'm hoping some serious toning takes place!

(When we're a little more in shape, I'll post pictures of us!)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

More great company & Michael's garden

We've been so fortunate this week to have so much family visit! First Grandma & Grandpa came to visit, then on Friday Annette & Karen came down. They had been wanting to do something to help remember Michael on this first anniversary of his passing, so they came and bought plants to help make a memorial garden for Michael. We were so touched that they would want to do this for us. After our visit to the nursery for the plants, the rest of the family joined us at Joe Bandito's for more yummy Mexican food (I've been celebrating my birthday all week!) This is all we could manage to do after we stuffed ourselves:

Some time in the night (after plane delays, etc.) Rachel and Brandon & kids arrived. They were exhausted but glad to be here. Saturday morning Esther came too, and we enjoyed visiting and having breakfast together.

Spencer & Brandon

Esther Manwaring & Jenna Holloway

Mom Annette with daughters Rachel & Esther

After breakfast, our cousin Allison (Aunt Alice's daughter) who lives here in Springville too, came over and the 4 of us girls worked to plant Michael's garden. They're all perennials so they'll come back every year, hopefully bigger and fuller each year. It's hard to see the individual plants, but here's the finished product:

and the girls together with our cousin, Allison, who is so bubbly and fun, she made the whole project entertaining!

Annette, Allison, Kathy, Karen

We are so excited about this garden for Michael, a beautiful living memory right here in our yard that will be a wonderful reminder of our sweet Michael and his gentle spirit, each time we step out our door. Words can't express how grateful Dave & I are for this sweet gesture of love from Karen and Annette. Thank you girls - we love you!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Our Company

We had visitors - yeah! Grandma and Grandpa Danes came down to Utah yesterday to see Aunt Alice (Grandma's sister), who has been in the hospital very ill. Karen came down as well, and we all enjoyed a Mexican dinner at Los Hermanos after being at the hospital. I haven't had chips and salsa in a very long time and forgot how YUMMY they taste - ate way too many! G & G stayed overnight, and spent a good share of today at the hospital. Even though they were only able to stay a short time (they've gone home already), we loved the time we were able to spend with them and are so glad they came. Side note: Aunt Alice has vasculitis, and was going down hill quite rapidly, but with some new medicine this morning, she is beginning to improve just a little bit. We are hopeful the doctors can get to the bottom of all the complications and help her fully recover.

Grandpa Danes with his cute smile
(notice the fun rabbit straw he's using)

Had to grab a picture of Grandma Danes too

New friends catching a nap together

(our dog Chipper is the ball of fur next to Grandpa)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Technology at Work

Yesterday we got to call Caitlin in Argentina. It was so great to talk with her! We were trying to get our conference calling to work so Nicia could talk to Caitlin with us from Texas, but they really couldn't hear with both our lines in use for the one call. SO Nicia came up with this great idea - she called us on Dave's cell phone, and we just put the cell phone up to the phone on speakerphone and presto - she and Caitlin could hear each other! We all had a great visit, thanks to technology! (thanks, Justin for taking the pictures)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Okay, I have the most awesome children. They have a longstanding tradition of bringing me breakfast in bed on Mother's Day, and I feel so fortunate! What started out as cold toast & a microwave egg has evolved into something that could rival IHOP! Justin, Jordan, and Emily were the stars this morning - cooking up strawberry crepes, hashbrowns, and orange julius. Yum! They even bring enough for Dave to have breakfast with me. What thoughtful kids! Truly a great way to start out this Mother's Day!

Jordan always likes to stir things up...

Justin gets the crepes ready

Here's the finished product...

Emily enjoying her own crepe

Here's to a happy Mother's Day to all you beautiful mothers!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Flying kites

Today was such a beautiful day! Emily had a friend over, and the wind was blowing a little, so we took the kites Nicia had bought for us, and headed out to the park for some fun. I love watching children when they are experiencing joy, totally in the moment. A simple joy for this Mom too.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I don't know if it's like this for anyone else, but our household breakdowns always seem to happen in twos or threes (and usually when Dave is out of town). SO, this week it's the fridge, the dishwasher, and the lawn mower. I don't mind washing dishes (I know some of you do it all the time), but a very leaky fridge hasn't been fun. (notice the towels on the floor.) The repair man for the fridge just left after collecting a nice $248. Thankfully, the dishwasher is under warranty, and will hopefully be fixed Friday, and the lawnmower - well I'm thinking we shouldn't ever put it away for the winter, since it never wants to work the following spring! Our wonderful neighbors let us borrow theirs, but we'll have to get on the ball and get ours fixed soon.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Finally joining the blogging world!

Hi there!

Yep, Kathy is finally ready to try this out, so here's my first attempt at blogging! We're having an absolutely gorgeous spring (now that our LONG winter is over). Thought I'd put up a couple pics of the kids so you can see how quickly they're growing up - Emily is almost through with Kindergarten and Jordan will graduate in 3 weeks! Andrew is graduating also, and has some awesome senior pics, but I don't have any on the computer yet.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Connect with us!

When I wrote my book, Cyberspace: The Human Dimension,  I devoted a large portion of the book to the rise of social media, which at the time was known by various other names such as virtual communities, computer conferences, newsgroups, online teams, bulletin boards, etc.  So now that we have unprecedented means to keep in touch through this brave new world of online media, let's all interconnect in as many avenues as possible.   Here's information about where we are in cyberspace and all the ways you can connect to us:

This is great for professional networking and connecting.  Sign up and then send me an invitation to link, to dave (at) webworkingservices (dot) com.  I've set up a profile there - you can too.

Great way to share videos.   Other than the fact that they put a little YouTube logo on every video you upload, it's the perfect video sharing site.   If you have any videos at all to post, sign up and then connect to friends.  Our YouTube account ID is webworking.  Check out our videos there and don't forget to connect to us!

The preferred social space - Facebook has taken over MySpace as the cleaner, safer place to "hang out" online.  Like LinkedIn, it let's you connect with and interact with people you know in a structured way.  Check out my profile, sign up, and then add me as a friend!  When Kathy get's an account, connect to her too.

Twitter is a fun site that let's you post mini-blog entries that let's your friends now what you're up to and what's on your mind, quickly and easily.  Sign up and then "follow" illumerati (that's me), and I'll start following you back.

We have a few blogs on Blogger.  Besides the one you're reading, there's a private one for the Danes Family Reunion coming up in July.  Contact Kathy or Calista if you don't already belong to that one.

Of course, Kathy and I make part of our living on eBay, so check out our eBay store, look at the Guides and Reviews I've written, and subscribe to our store newsletter.

Another blog I maintain is to help people navigate the challenges of maintaining a PC, talking about Internet and PC security, identity theft, and trouble-shooting and maintaining a PC.  Please leave comments there to let me know how I'm doing.  Thanks.

Great site for trading books you don't want for books you do.  Sign up by clicking on the image above and then make us your buddy after you're signed up.  Post 9 or 10 books and get one free - and every time someone orders one you post, you get to choose another one someone else has posted in exchange.  It's cool.

Same thing for DVDs.

Anyway, have fun signing up and connecting with us on all these great social networking sites!


Getting Started

Nicia has inspired Kathy and me to finally do a personal blog.   So here we go on the great adventure!