Friday, August 28, 2009

Bascom Family Reunion

Just wanted to post a few pictures from the Bascom Family Reunion, August 13-15, in Santaquin Canyon, Tinney Flats campground. This is Dave's extended family on his mother's side. Justin, Emily, and Kathy were the only ones able to go from our family, since everyone else was working or out of town. The road up the canyon was closed so we had to travel around the long way, taking about an extra hour to get there. Most families tried to get there Thursday evening and ended up arriving quite late. We went up Friday morning and got there in time for a great dutch oven breakfast.

Our camp

Later in the morning, many of us took a nice hike. Kathy opted to stay dry, but Justin and Emily were with the group that hiked further up and through the water. They came back to camp pretty dirty, but had a great time. Later they had a pinata for the kids:

Emily's turn

Even Grandma Bascom took a turn!
Chase Brandner with his new hat
And Emily with her new hat....
They had a water balloon fight and a tug of war, but I missed pictures of both of those. There was a stream right near the camp that the kids did a lot of playing in. All of Emily's clothes were soaked within the first few hours we were there..........
Emily was in 7th heaven with so many cousins to play with.
The kazoo band - Emily, Aubrey Dyson, Alex Dyson, Mistee Bascom, Austin Bascom

Aubrey, Mistee, Emily

We had to bring our dog, Chipper, with us, and all the younger cousins paid TONS of attention to him. He was VERY dirty when we brought him home! (should have gotten a pic)
Friday evening we sat around the campfire playing a couple of games and then had a great fireside where we shared experiences of how the Lord had had a hand in our lives that past week. The spirit was very strong. Saturday morning Grandma & Grandpa Bascom led us in a beautiful devotional.
Grandpa talked about being on one side of the fence or the other (notice the shoe)
Then they talked about Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty and how we want to recommit ourselves as individuals and families to do whatever is necessary to remain close as a family, to have peace and freedom and protect our families.
The Title of Liberty
We marched as a group, gathering around the flag, and sang "Onward Christian Soldiers". It was very touching.
Thank you Grandma & Grandpa Bascom for all your efforts in planning this great reunion for us! There was a lot of opposition while trying to make this reunion a reality, and we recognize the hand of the Lord in keeping us all safe and helping us to be able to come join together. Wonderful memories were made, and bonds of love strengthened. We love you!!

Grandma & Grandpa Bascom

The whole gang

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Locks of Love

Earlier in the year, Emily's friend donated her hair to Locks of Love. Ever since then, Emily has been wanting to donate hers too. So finally, it was long enough.


She was SO excited!

Cutting the ponytail

First smiles after the haircut

Nicia came for moral support

Such a cute hairstyle on such a happy girl!

Emily and her hairdresser, Jennifer
We're proud of you, Emily, for helping to make the difference in another child's life!

Monday, August 17, 2009

July Memories

Just wanted to post a few pictures to remember, since there were lots of events all month long. Not a lot of narrative, but there are LOTS of pictures!

4th of July Freedom Parade:

Emily and Justin

It started to sprinkle, so some of the gang got really creative:

Stephanie Garrison, Justin, Caitlin, Ben Jolley

Aunt Jen, Heather, & Emily hanging out on the side line

Caitlin and Ben Jolley get engaged:

Wedding date is set for September 19th in the Manti Temple

Scottish Festival:

Emily and her good friend, Sara Hatch

Emily getting ready for the swordfight

Emily wins the battle!

Puppy Emily:
For several weeks Emily kept pretending to be a doggy. It was pretty funny to watch!

Playing dead

Breakdown on I-80:
Waiting for AAA to come tow the car

Our tire had a chunk come out of it about six miles from the nearest town in Wyoming. We limped along on the side of the road till we got to the town of Point of Rocks. The only thing in the town was the gas station/small convenience store and a few trailers. But lo and behold, there was even a post office right in the store! I was really glad I had Caitlin with me.

Point of Rocks Post Office

Kathy's sister retreat in Washington:
After dropping Emily off at Nicia's in Wyoming, I got to head for Washington state to be with my sisters for a week. I joined Karen in Salt Lake, and we met up with Annette in Twin Falls. We stopped at Mom & Dad's home for the night. Our visits to Kuna are never quite complete unless we go to our favorite Mexican restaurant in town:

Annette, Mom, Kathy, Karen, Dad

The next morning we went to pick green beans with my brother, Jim. When we came home, Dad had set the table and was fixing breakfast! We had waffles with strawberries & whipped cream, and eggs. It was awesome to see my Dad well enough to be up and around, and cooking breakfast!

We also stopped to visit my brother, Aaron before heading up to Washington. He has started a plumbing repair business, and has the most awesome looking truck. His business card says Owner/Hero on it. Really creative! Gotta love it.

Aaron's Rescue Plumbing
(notice the plunger on the right side of the truck in the dark blue star)

We traveled up to LaNita's the next day and just had a marvelous week together. All her kids were farmed out except for Allison, and none of us brought our children, so it really was a relaxed vacation for all of us. We completed some projects, sewed, watched a movie, played a game, visited, went shopping, went out to dinner, went to our favorite town, Leavinworth, and just had an awesome week! Definitely ended too soon. Thanks girls, for such a great time together! I love you all!

LaNita & Kathy painting the office

Annette, LaNita, Karen, Kathy

Trip to Wyoming to visit Nicia, Joe, & Alyssa:
We feel so fortunate to have Joe & Nicia close enough to visit easily. We spent a little over a week there and just had a great time. Thanks, guys, for a great time!

AWESOME FIREWORKS - WYOMING STYLE! (the big illegal kind) :)





Talise Dubois, Caitlin, Nicia


(Dave - black, Kathy - red.....sorry Dave!)


We took a train ride that wound through the ranch. At one point, the train stopped and a whole herd of buffalo came right up to the train so we could feed them. Very cool!

Cowgirl Emily

Issy and Boo riding the train